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Location: Connecticut, United States


Sunday, January 23, 2005

Weather Terrorists

Hype Hype Hype! We were told it was a blizzard - with snow up to 25 inches along the coast where I live. Bah. It was no blizzard where I live. A moderate snow fall of about 8 inches --tops. We've had significantly more snow on other occasions but with much less hoopla.

It is rather depressing to be all prepared for the storm of storms and end up with snow that can be rolled over by a regular car, never mind an SUV. You don't even need to shovel.

We were ready to batten down the hatches...had eggs milk bread wine and beer - lots of firewood chopped and ready and the weather people predicting downed power lines and freezing pipes. It was so mild my cat went out last night and decided it might be fun to stay out till 10 AM this morning.


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