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Location: Connecticut, United States


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ok, I have decided, I'm going with the woman...I'm voting for Sen. Clinton...It was a dead heat for me re: Obama, John or Hillary until I made the decision to go with the woman, to trust my own sex, to balance history (black men had the vote for 50 years before women of any color could vote) - so based on that and on my heart and soul searching and wondering and worrying...I made that final decision which I hope I'll get to vote upon.

It's a great feeling to know that someone other than George Bush will be president. I just hope to hell people will think before they vote and especially women: I ask you to think hard and long before you vote. I ask you to have confidence in your own selves and not weaken to the notion that we women are not capable of running a country. What is a country other than a family of squabbling kids, finance juggling and smoothing over problems when they pop up which they do daily. Oh yes, let us not forget that not every problem is solved by beating someone over the head -- sometimes finesse is the best way and the only way to end a war or bring a nation together.

I am comforted by making a decision. I hope the young women of this world realize how close they are to losing the right of choice when it comes to their own bodies; I hope the young men of this world realize that war is not macho but an inability to solve a problem without force; I hope everyone knows that our country is now despised and even Canada has us on a list for their citizens which says be wary of the US they, along with Iraq, Iran, Syria use torture on prisoners.

Yes, we are reduced that low.

Come back America...I think only a woman can do that now. A woman knows how to be strong and soft at the same time. It's time for America to get out of the dark ages...isn't it?


Blogger The Egel Nest said...

After tonight's debate...and Hillary and Barack's constant and petty bickering...John Edwards is looking more and more appealing.

The Egel Nest

12:19 AM  
Blogger Ilanna said...

I can't disagree with Mary or with Bradley.

I think a woman can definitely run the country. I just don't think Hillary is the right woman. She's too polarizing and I think that will paralyze her effectiveness with congress etc.

Barack is potentially a good choice but I don't think he's ready yet. Right now my dream ticket is edwards with barack as VP. But somehow - i don't see that happening this time around . . .

8:13 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

I missed the debate Bradley and Ilanna -- I was watching the CT women's basketball game...bad me but I think there's been way too many debates and I might have OD'd on them anyhow. Still it's early to pick a candidate but one thing for sure, it will not be a republican as we cannot surive 8 more years of that...

Ilanna, I thought of Hillary being polarizing but look at Bush - no one's been more effective in that role than he's been...so I'm still going with a woman and I think if she puts the country on the right road, she'll gain the trust of the electorate.

I like Edwards too, but talk about not having support...

Great to see you both here and great to be able to spend some time on the computer for a change!!

8:21 AM  
Blogger Bradley's Mom said...

Hi MB!

I haven't made up my mind yet.

But I am VERY worried that NONE of these candidates are going to beat whatever Republican is nominated. And THAT would be a very sad scenario.

We need a Democrat back in the White House! But will they win? I just am not confident about it.

I am SOOOOOO happy to see you posting more often! I love reading your blog!



11:15 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Hi LInda! I love you reading my blog!! I hope you are feeling better - in fact I hope you are all better. I have a strong feeling this is going to be a great year for the people I love which includes you!!

Bradley and Ilanna, I saw part of the debate replayed and still feel that Hillary can do the job. She was not MY candidate in the beginning - and any of the three front runners will get my vote on election day, but I must say I was impressed with her performance. I did miss the first 1/2 hour or so, but I'm sticking with the woman at this point.

Let's put a mom in the White House and see what she can do? (human or animal mom by the way). Most women and especially moms are juggling all kinds of responsibilities and have routinely been the keepers of our most cherished and precious commodities, our children. Bradley I would vote for you above all people mentioned above but you aren't running... ;-( And you are a mom in the manner of being the main child care person in your home which indicates just how wonderful you truly are!!

12:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's between Clinton and obama for me, as of right now. I would love to see hill in office. I am ready for a woman president and I believe in her.

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's quite a treat to have 3 very qualified Democratic candidates, isn't it? And quite a dilemma choosing which one to vote for in the primaries. But I think Obama is the better statesman and he will be more effective representing America globally. After what Bush did to America's reputation we urgently need a president who can restore our status. I don't think Hillary would be as effective as Obama in international affairs, partially, unfortunately, because she is a woman!
Madame X, who flexes the lex!

5:44 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

HI Marko! Go HIllary I say. Is she perfect? No, but she is so very smart that I would trust her intelligence. I like Edwards and if he had a chance would gladly vote for him. Obama has style, but I worry about substance. As the hill said: Campaigning in poetry but governing is prose.

Oh my o my! My dear long lost but never forgotten Madame X! Wouldn't Lance Boyle flip over the current political situation and wouldn't he be sending us scads of emails on the election. I so wish he was here now to razz, prod, challenge and delight us! Hope all is well with you and that your life is filled with joys and happiness and blanketed in good health,wealth and love. Ps Hillary can do the job - all of it, maybe not with the aplomb of Obama, and pss, I still wonder if a black man or a white woman could be elected when their are still so many prejudiced and stupid people that vote. ( not mincing words or meat )

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Substance? My ass, My Love...If it takes substance to get elected pray tell how Bush ever got elected and twice! Obama has substance in spades compared to Bush.
It's kinda fun to be on opposing sides for a change, Mary, but still on one wave. I wonder who Lance would support now too. I know he liked Hillary and he loved Bill. I told him long ago to watch out for Obama. In person O is electrifying and he has the charisma that can win an election, much like JFK and Bill Clinton had. I don't think race or gender are much of a factor this time around...Bush's total inadequacy paved the way to disregard race and gender. It's going to be very interesting, already is! I'm pumped! I'd rather have a beer with Obama! Mad.X.

9:37 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Madame X - Substance meaning experience dealing with major problems and issues - let's not forget she has 8 years of a past president to bounce questions off - I like that idea. But, I will vote for any of the three or any other Dem and never a Repub again ever local or national. I'm done with them all and would like Lieberman to just go to the Repubs and stop sullying the Democrat's name.

I do love Al Gore and would vote for him first if he were running...love that he came out for marriage equality.

Bush had nothing but Rove's dirty tricks to get elected...and his brother was a big help in Florida too...

I'm so happy we have so many wonderful candidates to choose from - any one of them wipes the floor with the gay hating uterus controlling anti middle class asses running on the other side.
Isn't this fun?

3:15 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

PS weren't you put off by the Ronald Reagan answer Obama gave in that interview? If he believed what he said that's bad and if he was pandering to the Reagan Democrats, Repubs and Independents that was bad too..........

I still like Obama and I know politics is politics but Reagan harmed lots of people in his 8 years - only 4 of which he had his brain cells though...

3:29 PM  
Blogger Ilanna said...

Sadly in this day and age there is no perfect candidate. They will always say something wrong, do something wrong, have a bad day, a bad past, something to be belittled in a commercial one way or another. It really is sad but it's what we live with. It has unfortunately come down to a lesser of evils as opposed to Good person for the job. Not "best person" for the job - because Best out of a lousy batch, isn't necessarily the best or even good but that is the way it is.

Anyways Mary - I actually, *GASP* updated (wink wink nudge nudge) :)

see you on election day!

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Substance=Experience Abe Lincoln had less when he became president than Obama has now. I don't buy that equation.

Bill Clinton knew he had to be a centrist in order to win, so he, as do they all, court votes from "the other side." That's what O intended. Looking back, Reagan was far better than the Bush dynasty.

Dynasty - that bothers me. Maybe that's why I mostly want Obama to win. Dynasties (as with the Bushes) seem inconsistent with Democratic Government.

Boo Hoo, I am blue today...The Great Grey Lady endorsed Hillary.

Now I advise everyone to go read A Thousand Splendid Suns by the author of The Kite Runner, which I also advise reading.

9:17 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

MadX - I've got both those books coming to me and can't wait to read them.

I'm not convinced yet to change my vote. Nope. I liked Bill and I like Hillary and I would rather have a beer with Hillary than with Obama.

After last night, I kind of like Ron Paul - the only Repub to say he was against the war. Maybe the only repub who didn't trash the hillster while making nice nice with his true opponents at this time.

I think a team of brilliant minds is better than one. I think experience counts and I think Obama would be an excellent veep and in 8 years can take his turn at the helm.

I'm sick of women being last or never when it comes to American politics. The next person talking about abortion rights could actually be one who has a real say in it -- someone with a uterus.

Here's what comes to mind when I think of the repubs:

Zillionaire Romney strapping his dog in a cage on the top of his car while his dog craps all over the car in fear.

The reverend Huckleberry Hound bashing gays and who very well might be one of those "wide stance" guys that seem to be rampant in the repub party.

Dear John, who is too old to be pres no matter how young his wife is. Two terms would bring him to 80 and we've already had one Alzheimer pres and don't need another...never mind his desire to WIN win win in the middle east but win what? (I'm not a youngun saying this...)

Rudy 911 -- A johnny one note who's claim to fame is exploiting a national tragedy.

Oh I love political sparring!!!

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, despite our difference in candidate choice, one thing is paramount...a Democrat must win if for no other reason than to preserve CHOICE for women. If a Repub gets in as pres, all he would have to do is replace ONE supreme court justice and Roe vs Wade can be reversed. One Justice now will be 80 next year if not this year. Very, very frightening thought, so now all the more imp that Hillary and Bill and Obama kiss and make up. I don't think Hillary wd choose O for VP or O choose Hillary, though. Ha! Of course we wd both like Paul, he ran as a Liberterian some time back.
"Wide stance" Huckleberry Hound...is that the same as "tap three times on the ??? if you want me?" Wasn't that a pop song once?!!!
I agree with all your other R assessments.

11:02 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Mad X - after a rousting debate over candidates and electability etc. this evening - I just got that sinking feeling in my chest, that the huge vast middle part of our country will not vote for a black man, nor any man with Hussein as a middle name nor even Obama as a first name, nor will they vote for any woman, even one who wasn't married to a former president and even one with slim thighs.

I'm thinking about this now and bummed. Are we kidding ourselves? The same people who elected and re-elected the worst president of all times are now all of a sudden going to be able to pick a good president??? shit is all I have to say - wandering around the net looking for opinions is not helping....it seems like everybody hates Hillary and Obama...

Could McCain win?

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely McCain could win, or Romney. That's why it is so important for the Dems to get their act together and not squabble. It's a pretty silly pissing match going on between H and O, all things considered. The majority of the people want change from the wretched and disastrous Bush Administrations of past years so that's a plus for the Democrats.

Can a black man win? Iowa voted for him, that was a biggie. Hillary got the East, so far, expected. O wasn't far behind H. But who will win the Western states except for California which would go to Hillary, I think. YES, IT IS SCARY!

8:26 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Lordy let the Dems win...please...I'll lose my home if a Repub wins.

Congrats to O for winning but I sure wish he'd drop the other O as in Oprah...

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O will drop O when H drops S and S!

Thanks, it was a sweet victory, but it ain't over until the fat lady sings in all those western states!

2:51 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Who's S and S? dumb in ct

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spielberg and Streisand

Flippantly yours!

7:50 PM  
Blogger The Egel Nest said...

MB -

I fear that Hillary is going to get the nomination...and the republican attack squad is going to smear her to pieces and we are going to wind up with a republican as president.


The Egel Nest

11:30 PM  

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