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Monday, February 27, 2006

Military Recruitment and Your Child: Cop Out or Opt Out

In the past, I’ve kept my daughters home from school, to avoid “fingerprinting” done by well-meaning PTA groups, Brownie troops etc. for the purpose of helping the police find my children if they were ever abducted.

I did that because I don’t want government agencies with that information. First of all, chances are they wouldn’t be abducted, and secondly, if the worst happened…I had tooth brushes, hair brushes etc. with DNA which is a better way to identify someone and I probably also had a million fingerprints belonging to them in their rooms, which could be lifted for a match.

Rather than write a “no permission” note and have my children stand out as the offspring of a paranoid…I just opted to keep them home from school that day.

Paranoid? Maybe, but with good reason, I think.

Today I found out that No Child Left Behind program includes something few people know about. Information gleaned about your child from this program is given to the United States military for their own use.

“A provision in the No Child Left Behind Act, which measures student achievement, also requires school districts to provide information about those students to military recruiters when asked,” says the AP.

“Military recruiters have the same access to student information as job recruiters, universities and other post-high school education agencies. School districts must provide the information if they receive any federal funding under the act --except in cases when students and their parents voluntarily opt out,” the article continues.

Yes, you can opt out of giving this information to the military, but you have to sign a letter saying so…only first of all, you have to know that opting out is an option in the first place. The vast majority of parents had no idea the information was going to military recruiters nor were they aware that they had any rights to keep that from happening.

We, as a nation, are getting terribly used to the idea that we don’t have as many rights as we once thought.

I was upset when I learned that TIVO kept a list of every movie you recorded. I was upset a long time ago when I noticed that my grocery coupons printed on the back of my sales receipt were directly related to what I’d purchased. So they were keeping a record of what I was eating for crissakes.

We have the unpatriotic PATRIOT act which allows more and more information to be stolen from us and collected about us.

Every keystroke we make on our computers can be found out by anyone and I’ve got more cookies in my hard drive than a dozen bakeries.

Big brother’s everywhere --in our libraries, our televisions, our computers, grocery stores, pre-schools and schools.

I’d like to opt out of all of that if I could.

But, at least parents can keep the military from sifting through their children’s school records as long as parents sign a letter requesting that this information is to be kept private.

Why do the military recruiters want this information? By seeing what electives your child takes, the grades your child makes, their extra curricular activities etc, they can prepare a very seductive sales pitch for joining the military.


Blogger The Egel Nest said...

I only had a minute to drop by...but I had to say thanks for all your wonderful kind "baby" words :)

I love our litle blog friend world :)

The Egel Nest

10:55 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Oh you sweet sweet man! I love our blog friend world too!

I'm so excited thinking about the posts you'll write in the future...and I'd bet at least one original song for Baby Egel.

Thank you for letting us all share in your happiness!

11:02 AM  
Blogger kimananda said...

The continual eroding away of privacy rights is scary, isn't it? And the sad thing is, whenever I hear about it, it never surprises me somehow. We have to just assume that whatever we do, someone will know about it, and will have compiled statistics. Just my paranoid two cents. ;-)

12:17 PM  
Blogger Ern said...

Wow, I had no idea. No wonder the administration was so gung-ho about an education act.

Little by little, our freedoms are being eroded. Gradually enough, and with a big enough "stick" (fear of terrorism) that people are just handing it over.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Echrai said...

I'm well aware of this - it's something I make a point of keeping up to date with. And I'd do the same thing as you. I don't mind giving out my private information to people SO LONG AS -I- AM AWARE. If my consent has NOT been given, it really irks me. And the fact that more and more of them are "if you know about it you can opt out" rather than "sign up to do" just seems incredibly sketchy. Big Brother is here and the more I read in Con Law the more convinced I am of this.

12:54 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Kimananda, how is it in your country? Is Denmark the same as the US, better? worse? when it comes to privacy rights?

Doc Ern - so true, hardly anyone's giving a fight at all. Just mention "it's because of the fight against terrorism" and the majority of the public says ok, sure, whatever you think...

Echrai -- I am very glad that you know about this...and keep an eye on such invasions of privacy. I hope the legal minds of this country will bind together to a) educate the public and b)figure out some way to legally challenge some of these intrusive and unnecessary breaches of personal freedom and (hate to use this word) family rights.

I think every parent should know what is going on behind the scenes in reference to their children.

2:11 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Sangroncito - I was through with the boy scouts when I found out about their anti-gay policies - same thing for the red cross.

Blood donors aren't asked how many people they've had unprotected sex with- but are asked instead if you've ever slept with the same sex.

I guess a hetero woman who has unprotected sex with an HIV positive male, is okay.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just irks me. 2 years ago, I was very republican. Pro bush.
Now, it just makes me want to vomit. I havent changed my beliefs, just the things I used to believe in have changed and dont deserve my belief or support.

Just yuck.

5:26 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Lawbrat...many Republicans feel duped by Bush. Even his strongest supporters have lost their repsect for his judgment.

Vomit's a great word to describe how I feel too...

10:23 PM  
Blogger kimananda said...

Hi again,

I've been thinking about how privacy issues are here in Denmark. Actually, I can speak more for the US, but maybe just because that's where I'm from and lived for the first 27 years of my existence. Or because privacy violations in the states get more attention than violations elsewhere. But my sense is that it's moving in the same direction everywhere. I know that when I lived in the UK, the same fight was going on...against overwhelming numbers of closed-circuit cameras all over the country for example.

9:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Disgusting predatory practice. I'm grossed out on a level I didn't know existed within me.

Got this letter (I sent him one about Voting NO to Alito) from my State's Senator (a moderate Republican that I actually voted for) an exerpt reads:

"Upon careful consideration, I concluded that I could not vote to confirm Mr. Alito to be a Justice on the United States Supreme Court because his legal philosphy is outside the mainstream and as a result raises serious questions about his commitment to equal justice for all. That philosophy has caused him to support dramatic new powers for the government and few rights for ordinary citizens. In Judge Alito's America, the President would act virtually unchecked by either the Congress or the courts as envisioned by the Framers of our constitution."

So scary.

10:54 AM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Kimananda, Doc --As LB says, it's a scary time...thanks for all the comments...

New York Times, yesterday had an article on how keystroke tracking software is being embedded in regular software...eeks.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Along said...

Now you've got me spooked!! I never realized the coupons on the back of your receipts reflect what you buy. I’ll have to check that out the next time I go grocery shopping.

I’m always paranoid. I’m paranoid about the fact that Pizza Hut delivery can recall my full address and what I ordered from them 10 months ago. I’m paranoid that to get that free bar of soap I have to fill out a form, detailing what I like, what I dislike, my habits and sexual preferences (ok, exaggerating a bit here). I’m paranoid that the people at my bank know how much money I make, how much I spend each month, and where the money goes.

Details of my private life all over the place.


8:51 PM  
Blogger mary bishop said...

Along...I don't know why everyone seems to want to know everything about each individual...but I shred almost every piece of paper with anything personal, before I dump it; I never give out my real age or name on surveys, basicaly anywhere on the computer, I never say who I am when I pick up my phone and someone says: Who's this?

I usually say: Who wants to know?

I try hard to keep info private but it's a losing battle..still we have to try.

9:45 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

It's just a matter of time before we've got chips in our fingers and then it will all be out in the open. It's like that movie Westworld.

11:55 AM  

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