I'm trying to figure out just who would vote for the McCain Palin ticket. It's harder and harder to figure out just who these people are. Truly, not a soul I know is voting for them.
Well, they can't be animal lovers. No animal lover would give a vote to Palin. Never.
They can't be women who value choice when it comes to their reproductive rights.
Can't be teachers after McCain slighted the whole profession by stating soldiers could come back from Iraq and get teaching jobs without that pesky certification. Anyone can teach after all according to McCain.
Can't be people who remember 9/11 and want to "get" Bin Laden, because Iraq sops up all troops, money and resources leaving Bin Laden alive and well in his well-appointed cave.
Can't be 95% of the working people, because they'd get a tax break from Obama but the same old Bush trickle down theory (some day when you're old and gray and by the way I'm still waiting) theory of wealth distribution from McCain. (Also known as the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.)
They can't be people who know or love a gay or lesbian -- or people who have the intelligence to understand that same-sex marriage is not a threat to anyone and all people deserve equal rights.
They can't be people who've lost their 401Ks or their home or other financial losses due to the past eight years of "one of us" running the country. (One of us is a code phrase for dumb, by the way, witness how Palin uses Joe Six-pack as a synonym for herself and others like her.)
They can't be women in general due to the McCain/Palin's antediluvian ideas about forcing women to bear children even if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest.
They can't be men who would like their wives, sisters or daughters to have the choice to terminate a pregnancy that would harm them physically or mentally.
They can't belong to any religion other than born again, Pentecostal, witchcraft-believing Christians, and certainly must believe in the identical rules and rites that Palin believes as she promotes herself as God's little perky, winking soldier and she knows how to handle a gun. Scary.
They can't be scientists or people who know that dinosaurs and people never shared the earth and evolution and global warming are real and not "notions."
They can't come from large towns or cities as Palin seems to think those people aren't pro-American.
They can't value ethics -- or Palin's abuse of power and ethical lapses in Alaska would keep them from voting for the McCain Palin ticket.
They can't value truth as both McCain Palin are following one of Rove's rules: lie, lie and lie some more and eventually people will believe it.
They can't be librarians and by the way librarians are true heros of the world.
They can't be Catholics because Palin rejected Catholicism in favor of a Pentecostal church.
They must really love George Bush and his ilk to place the same type of person back into office.
They can't worry about McCain's age and how Palin could very well end up leading our country someday with her quaint and simplistic jargon as the only information we have about her depth of knowledge on anything other than stirring up hatred in crowds.
I could go on and on, but instead I'll just keep wondering who these people are.
I'm not into voter suppression but I am thinking that maybe an IQ test should be necessary before you are able to vote.
Oh, and I make this promise, this solemn vow, that I will never vote for another Republican on any level of government until the Republicans change their extreme right wing platform and join the 21st century. The middle ages are over now.
There was a time when I had a choice on whom to vote for, but not now. I hope the Republicans wake up and realize all this pandering to the Christian Crazies is destroying the two party system in America; that it's becoming okay to take American citizens and divvy them up into pro and anti Americans; that old pasty faced white men have the right to decide what women do with their bodies; that "gay" marriage will ruin society and that thinking people, intelligent people are somehow not qualified to be elected.
And Drill Baby Drill? That's as effective as giving blood transfusions to a hemorrhaging person; it works right up until you use the last drop of blood.
Rant over.
Well, they can't be animal lovers. No animal lover would give a vote to Palin. Never.
They can't be women who value choice when it comes to their reproductive rights.
Can't be teachers after McCain slighted the whole profession by stating soldiers could come back from Iraq and get teaching jobs without that pesky certification. Anyone can teach after all according to McCain.
Can't be people who remember 9/11 and want to "get" Bin Laden, because Iraq sops up all troops, money and resources leaving Bin Laden alive and well in his well-appointed cave.
Can't be 95% of the working people, because they'd get a tax break from Obama but the same old Bush trickle down theory (some day when you're old and gray and by the way I'm still waiting) theory of wealth distribution from McCain. (Also known as the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.)
They can't be people who know or love a gay or lesbian -- or people who have the intelligence to understand that same-sex marriage is not a threat to anyone and all people deserve equal rights.
They can't be people who've lost their 401Ks or their home or other financial losses due to the past eight years of "one of us" running the country. (One of us is a code phrase for dumb, by the way, witness how Palin uses Joe Six-pack as a synonym for herself and others like her.)
They can't be women in general due to the McCain/Palin's antediluvian ideas about forcing women to bear children even if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest.
They can't be men who would like their wives, sisters or daughters to have the choice to terminate a pregnancy that would harm them physically or mentally.
They can't belong to any religion other than born again, Pentecostal, witchcraft-believing Christians, and certainly must believe in the identical rules and rites that Palin believes as she promotes herself as God's little perky, winking soldier and she knows how to handle a gun. Scary.
They can't be scientists or people who know that dinosaurs and people never shared the earth and evolution and global warming are real and not "notions."
They can't come from large towns or cities as Palin seems to think those people aren't pro-American.
They can't value ethics -- or Palin's abuse of power and ethical lapses in Alaska would keep them from voting for the McCain Palin ticket.
They can't value truth as both McCain Palin are following one of Rove's rules: lie, lie and lie some more and eventually people will believe it.
They can't be librarians and by the way librarians are true heros of the world.
They can't be Catholics because Palin rejected Catholicism in favor of a Pentecostal church.
They must really love George Bush and his ilk to place the same type of person back into office.
They can't worry about McCain's age and how Palin could very well end up leading our country someday with her quaint and simplistic jargon as the only information we have about her depth of knowledge on anything other than stirring up hatred in crowds.
I could go on and on, but instead I'll just keep wondering who these people are.
I'm not into voter suppression but I am thinking that maybe an IQ test should be necessary before you are able to vote.
Oh, and I make this promise, this solemn vow, that I will never vote for another Republican on any level of government until the Republicans change their extreme right wing platform and join the 21st century. The middle ages are over now.
There was a time when I had a choice on whom to vote for, but not now. I hope the Republicans wake up and realize all this pandering to the Christian Crazies is destroying the two party system in America; that it's becoming okay to take American citizens and divvy them up into pro and anti Americans; that old pasty faced white men have the right to decide what women do with their bodies; that "gay" marriage will ruin society and that thinking people, intelligent people are somehow not qualified to be elected.
And Drill Baby Drill? That's as effective as giving blood transfusions to a hemorrhaging person; it works right up until you use the last drop of blood.
Rant over.
You left out the fact that there are no "special needs" employees in the State of Alaska.
Mary, my republican parents both voted early for Obama in Pennsylvania! For the first time, I have a little hope! Yeah, I agree. I don't know anyone who's voting for McSAME.
Good one anonymous, plus I would add that parents of both autistic children and children with Down syndrome might have a problem with McCain lumping the two together as if all special needs children are alike. Palin is no role model for special needs children; she knows nothing about autism and has barely had any time to tend to her Down syndrome son. I hope the nanny is a loving kind person who will snuggle and love this little guy while his mother is out campaigning.
Hi E! Kisses to your mom and dad from us.
I am happy to report that I have a relative who's a staunch Republican for all of his 73 years but will be voting for Obama this year.
Every vote is precious and brings hope for a better future for all of us, including the Republicans!
I laugh at your ignorance about Obama and what will really become of the Country if he is elected. I and many of my friends are voting for McCain/ Palin and we all actually have IQs over 50, money dwindling in the stock market, and yes, even one of them is gay. Get off your democratic soap box and look at your candidate for who he really is...nothing but a charismatic speaker lacking actual substance, he is like a shiny wrapper with nothing inside.
Hi other anonymous!
I'm sorry but I don't believe you have a gay friend who'd vote for McCain Palin when Palin is pushing for a constitutional amendment to *defend* marriage (from what I'd like to know.)
I'm still waiting to hear from Palin's imaginary gay friend.
Perhaps your friend is just...um.. well groomed and polite and you're drawing the wrong conclusion about his sexuality.
Anyhow, my guess is you are much smarter than Palin; most people are.
But if you want to elect a team that will give you the same crapola that brought you the mess this country is in -- then I wonder why you aren't using your intelligence.
You may laugh at my "ignorance" as you call it, but I just feel sorry for yours.
You as an American deserve better than the last 8 years whether you think so or not.
You say many of your friends are voting for McCain? Well, all of my friends are voting for Obama.
I hope I have more friends than you do.
Thanks for stopping by!
You're right Marybishop. My post was entirely worthless and I am too scart to sign my name.
I don't really have a gay friend. I don't know what the heck I'm talkin bout. Especially since I know nothing about Obama but am claiming to be an expert.
No one should listen to me. Or my hub bub. I am like a hurricane...all flurry and fuss but a big empty middle.
I am going to go give myself a wedgie now.
I promise not to vote.
The average life expectancy for a healthy male in the U.S. is from 73 to 75. Enough said.
Anons, thanks for posting.
Age is a factor in my mind in this election. McCain has had serious illnesses and a terribly stressed life, both of which could lead to an early demise although people do die in their 70s even if they have not had cancer and not run for president and not been a POW.
So that means there's a strong possibility that Palin could end up president.
That would be this country's worse nightmare.
Actually, I'm voting for them. Not because I think they are the ideal ticket (not at all), but because I feel I have to choose the lesser of two evils and the ones who come closest to representing what I stand for. Obviously, I have no idea what they'll actually do AFTER the elections, so all I'm basing it is what I know now.
Irina, you are the very first, intelligent person I know who is voting for McCain Palin.
Doesn't the thought of a Palin Presidency scare you or are you just betting that McCain will stay healthy if elected?
Hope all is well with you. You must be just about graduated by now, right?
Sorry to get back so late... yeah, it's my third year and things are more than a little crazy!
I do think that McCain is going to stay well through his presidency... I think he's very tough... I mean, he's gotta be, to have gone through what he has and to keep on kickin'.
I wonder if my own generation will be that of fighters... or will we succumb to the first cold that we have!
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