I know I know, it's all about Finbar all the time, but I do have another cat and he is a great cat even though he is amazingly camera shy, I had to post some of his pictures for Jeni who is a lover of gray cats, among other things.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I know I know, it's all about Finbar all the time, but I do have another cat and he is a great cat even though he is amazingly camera shy, I had to post some of his pictures for Jeni who is a lover of gray cats, among other things.
Notice that "I" up at the top right...I have no idea how it got separated from the rest of the text.
I had no idea you had another cat! Finbar steals all of the spot light I guess.
ahh yes - finbar's older 'brother.' :) I remember seeing him when you first GOT finbar. :)
he also is gorgeous and deserves some attention.
I have a sign that says the same thing as your mat attached to Miss Zoe's crate. :) Cuz it is *SOOOO* true. :)
Nicole, Tripper is an indoor/outdoor kitty...never could adjust to being inside 24/7 and refused to use a litterbox. He is actually more affectionate than Finbar, but he loves outside so much I barely see him in the nice weather. He loves the two girl cats across the street and spends his days sunning with them on their driveway. If he wasn't fixed, I'd wonder about him!
Ilanna, thanks, he is a good looking guy and I love him just as much as Fin, just don't see him as much. He detests the camera so it took a lot to get these few photos!
My dogs love to lick visitors, I think because they are always hoping the visitor just got through eating a potato chip. They freak for anything salty!!
Oh we do love Finbar's older brother!
It's good that you let him outside. I would be too scared for my sensitive children.
Jeni, I had no choice, by the time I got him he had already become an AC/DC cat and risked perpetual kidney infections if I didn't let him out to pee as he absolutely wouldn't use a box (or soil the house) so he'd hold it until his bladder was going to burst.
Sometimes I do wonder about this whole indoor thing...Tripper is definitely the happier cat, basking in the sun, visiting the girl cats across the street, and I have to remember I let my kids outside to play and they too would have been safer inside. Still I haven't been able to let Finbar out...just can't do it. I see his tail being ripped off or stuck in a garage door or someone stealing him...getting paranoid in my old age I guess.;-)
I completely understand!
Landon is too dumb for the outside. Although both of them get to enjoy the outdoors-no farther than the front porch. They have been good about obeying the rules.
I'd let Finbar out if he'd stay on the porch...knowing him he'd hitch a ride to California hahahah
Lol Tripper is a lady's cat
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