I'm sick of the rain. Just a little bit of sunshine yesterday did so much for my spirit and body. I walked around the yard and saw my garlic was up! I love garlic. I love onions too and I love condiments, mayo, ketchup, relish...love them all. I'm thinking about food because I haven't had lunch yet.
Whenever I do a lot of cooking I lose my appetite. After chopping and dicing and stirring and mixing and peeling and sauteeing I lose my interest in food for a while, except doughnut holes.
But tonight, when a big fat chicken comes out of the oven with stuffing and mashed potatoes and delightfully seasoned Brussel sprouts and a crispy baked yam and gravy I'll be hungry. Actually as I said before, I'm already hungry, and I'm not waiting that long to eat. Woman can not live on doughnut holes alone you know -- good as they are. (Spell check is telling me to type dough nut -- so don't depend upon spell check to do much more than pick up a few typos now and then.)
It's so damp in the house, I just want to sit by my fireplace. I love my new gas fireplace in the dining room/kitchen area. It's always toasty warm there and cozy and if I get too hot I can just shut it off.
My purist days are gone. There was a time I thought a gas fireplace was not authentic enough for my blood. But as time's gone by, I've become more flexible and ergo have lots more fires than I ever did. An instant fire is a good thing.
I've also shut off the cable news shows for now. I cannot bear one more political commentator nor one more warning about toys or drugs or cell phones. I don't want to know about any plane crashes nor melon recalls. I can't keep up with all that I'm not supposed to do, or eat or drink or hear one more frantic sounding news person tell me that I can keep from dying if I tune into the nightly news at eleven.
For now, a chicken in the oven, some classical music and a cup of coffee sounds like the very thing I should be focusing on...and maybe a few more doughnut holes for good luck.