Monday Morning Updates
1) The house across the street has been painted. And the color is: yellow! I can live with it so far. They still have the door and shutters to paint and with luck they won’t pick pink or purple.
2) The Lieberman ad I spoke about was sent by some credit union and not by his campaign though I would doubt very much he didn’t okay both the text and the photographs. I noticed the “paid by” small print section on the ad this morning. It’s still “P. U.” P. R. no matter who sponsored it.
3) I told you how much I love my dentist Ed Kozinn, and I mean it. Husband has an appointment this morning and I sent him off with a new book on the Mets to give to my dentist. Have you ever given your dentist a present?
4) Why is it I wonder? I frequently make white rice in my microwave and most of the time it’s okay, but sometimes it comes out dry and sometimes it comes out too wet, except when I am making up a batch for my dogs.
(One of my dogs has had a stomach upset, so I put lots of rice in his bowl to calm down his digestive problems.)
Anytime I make dog rice it comes out as if I had a steamer and my maiden name was Chung.
5) Is Michaelangelo’s David circumcised? He should be as a Jew, but there seems to be some controversy over this question. Doing some research for a friend writing a scholarly article in which this question is probed, so to speak, I read that early circumcisions were just a small snip at the end of the foreskin as opposed to the “remove it all” circs you can see today.
Ergo the question. Consensus now seems to be yes, he was circed but just a tiny bit which was in vogue at the time --blurring the line between circ and no circ.
I don’t know about the Jewish culture, but today’s doctors are recommending a small snip reversing the trend to eliminate the bulk of the foreskin if the parents choose to circ at all.
6) Besides penis research this weekend, I also got some insight into the world of professional photographers. A friend who is also a photographer was sharing with me some of the requests she gets from clients. If she could fulfill their requests, she then should also open up a church or a sideshow as she’d have to be either a god or a magician.
One woman whose hair had fallen over half her face, wanted the photog to remove the hair…okay…and what else? -- she wanted the photog to create a face where the hair was?
Another person wanted flowers photoshopped in empty pots and vases.
Another wanted her to come and take pictures of Granny and Grandpa, the nine cousins, a newborn, the dog, baby and Daddy, baby and Mommy, baby and Big Brother, baby and Big Sister, baby and Big Brother and Big Sister, baby and dog, baby and Granny etc. etc. and the requests went on and on and on.
All this for the one sitting fee…really!